Didn't It Rain

Periodic Rants of a Red-Haired Drama Freak.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Watch This Movie, Frenchie!

So, Lesley and I watched this wonderful movie last night called Jules et Jim. It was directed by French New Waver, Franscois Truffaut back in the early 60s. It's a really great story about a love triangle that takes place in the early 1900s, around the time of World War I. Jules and Jim are best friends - Catherine is their lover. Throughout several years we follow the story of this interesting partnership. Sometimes Catherine and Jules are lovers - sometimes its her and Jim. Unfortunately, it's never Jules and Jim, but you could almost see it going that way because they have such a close and special friendship.

This movie will remind you of Band of Outsiders, another new wave masterpiece by Goddard. It also may bring to mind Stranger Than Paradise, the Jim Jarmuch flic. I guess the idea of two guys and a girl presents an interesting take on friendship and love. They all kind of have a bohemian flavor and a very modern attitude about monogamy and so forth. Anyway, I would suggest a triple feature of all three! Call it a threesome of threesomes!

Today I had a special interview. I don't really want to write about it yet just in case I don't get it, but keep your fingers crossed for me.

Now it's time for some lunchies and some TV watching. Hope your day is lovely!


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