So Sexy

In the midst of gearing up for finals, this is the face we turned to tonight. After a long day studying at Lisa's, my brain was burnt toast. Lesley had writers block and we both needed to relax. Not that The Decent could ever possibly relax someone but at least it took our mind off studying.
We found ourselves saying, "Well, I know I've got that 20 page paper due, but at least I'm not stuck in a cave with bloodsucking fiends!"
Lesley and I saw this movie before it came out domestically. We were lucky enough to catch it at a film festival in San Francisco. The theatre was packed and let me tell you, people were freaking out!! The first time the "crawler" comes into view, I dare you not to scream like a sissy. I know I did!
Anyway, good times on a Friday night. If you need a distraction, I recommend.
PS - If you rent the DVD, there's a hilarious reel of bloopers. The crawler does a booty dance among other things.
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