Didn't It Rain

Periodic Rants of a Red-Haired Drama Freak.

Friday, June 09, 2006

If Only I Smoked

Stress is fun. It makes you walk really fast and think about 75 things at once. It also makes you skinnier if you're prone to smoking, which I'm not. Whenever I smoke, I get hella nauseous. Right now I have like a flow chart of stress. I wish I knew how to put a diagram on this blog. At the top would be the pleasure of moving to new york. It's not that I'm unhappy about it - I'm thrilled. But everyone knows that happy things can be horribly stressful. (examples: vacations, weddings, etc). Under the heading of moving would flow all the various aspects of moving that are tying my stomach into knots. A big one is leaving my friends. Ick. Blech. Boo. I'm very sad about that. Also, I'm a Virgo, and Virgos do not deal well with change, so another big one is FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN. Like, how will I get to school? Where's the grocery store? What if I want thai food really bad? Of course, there's also that shit-storm of BORROWING TOO MUCH MONEY. I'm stifled by the amount of money I'm borrowing in order to pay for my education. It scares me. What if I can never pay it back? Am I ruining my credit?!

I'm sorry to harp on stuff that seems like a good thing. But there we go!

Now, onto other things.

Hmm. I can't really think of anything else. :) Oh, we're seeing the Mountain Goats on Monday night. I'm really excited. John is such a good performer and his shows are always uplifting and fun. Mountain Goats rule as do mountain goats in general.

That's all for now...


Blogger Carlos P said...

re: debt. isn't that the most patriotic thing you can do for your country at this time? ??? I'm proud to be an american.

2:34 PM  

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