Me & Karen O

I can die now. Last Friday, I met Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs at Amoeba. She came in to do some promotion with Live 105 where the winner of a contest gets to go on a shopping spree with her and spend $105. It was a big production - we had to let her in the side door because she was reportedly really shy and wary of people approaching her. I showed her around the store and helped her find ESG. She was very sweet and soft spoken and overwhelmingly NORMAL. I loved what she was wearing too! She looked totally grubby in her riot grrl attire. It was great to learn that she's not a prima donna bitch and that she's super nice and seems like a truly cool person.
Lesley and I tried to meet her again that night at the show, but she wasn't feelin' the meet-and-greet, so didn't make an appearance. Not that I blame her, really. She really gives it 100% on stage and probably feels a little weird after a show. Needless to say, the YYYs were awesome both nights and I was really happy to meet Brian and Nick - the drummer and guitarist who make it all happen. I hope they come back soon!
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