Didn't It Rain

Periodic Rants of a Red-Haired Drama Freak.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Last Night in a Nutshell

We had some pretty hilarious adventures last night. After a relaxing time on the Staten Island Ferry with its free views of New York, we all decided to get together for drinks in the East Village. I should say we all = me, Lesley, Keala, Pie, his friend Sally, and our long-time friend Donelle. We met up at Lit, a bar I had never been to before. Surprisingly, we found a table right away and chilled out with our drinks. At first the music was really cool, but soon the DJ showed up and ruined everything. He seriously cranked the music up to about double its previous level and played some kind of 90s tribal crap. So we moved our camp to the downstairs area and into the back room which was empty. It was so rad to just be in there by ourselves for a while and hear each other talk. Oh, I should mention the guy Lesley was calling Wingman and I was calling Wingnut. This guy was like a San Francisco nightmare. He was covered in tattoos - including his face and hands. That's no big deal really, but when you factor in the hairdo, he was just too much. It was like someone bashed him over the head and his hair just froze that way. He kept running around all over the bar and brutally hugging his friends. I say brutally because we couldn't tell if they were fighting or hugging. Plus, he kept darting into the bathroom - we're sure NOT to pee. Anyway, he was a trip!

Speaking of tripping, the other funny thing that happened was right at the end of the night. We had once again moved tables - this time to the front to escape the overwhelming smokefest that had invaded our quiet corner. As we were about to leave, this group of people came into the bar. You have to walk down about three stairs when you first get in - it's sunken or whatever. Anyway, it's about 2:30 a.m. at this point, and this chick and her posse comes in pretty wasted. She basically collapses down the stairs. The doorguy starts yelling 'get her out of here! we can't have her in here if she's going to roll down the stairs!' Her response is 'I didn't know there were stairs here!' WHAT? are you blind?! the funniest part was that both of her trashy high heels flew off and her boyfriend picked on of them up, gallantly, with the tip of his umbrella. it just looked really funny.

Later on in the bathroom line, I heard her telling her friends, "I can't see out of my left eye." LOL!


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