Didn't It Rain

Periodic Rants of a Red-Haired Drama Freak.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

A Fun Announcement

Yours truly has just landed a blogging gig for next school year. Yep, it's true! Now, in addition to my own blog, I will be blogging for NYU! The deal is that Steinhardt (my school) wanted to start a section on their website for student bloggers. They want it to be a chronicle of what it's like to live in New York and attend NYU Steinhardt. Right now on the website, all of the information is more...well information. There wasn't really an avenue for the voice of the student. Well as any of my classmates know, we are all ABOUT the voice of the student - thus, the blog. I was selected through writing samples and a group interview. I'm not sure how many of us there will be but my guess is around six.

This whole thing will get going in the fall. There's going to be a big launch and *gulp* we have to get our picture taken so they can promote us all over the place. ha! I'm looking forward to this because I think people who are considering NYU will really want to read what we have to say. So hooray for me!

And now you know...


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