Didn't It Rain

Periodic Rants of a Red-Haired Drama Freak.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I Made It

My DePaul audition is over, and I'm very glad. It was very challenging to me because I had to do two monologues and I can't even remember the last time I did something like that. Must have been in college. And we all know how long ago that was!
My audition was at the SF Marriott, a very swanky and huge hotel in downtown SF. The first 45 minutes was a group warm-up where I got to do physical stuff like viewpoints. It's a great stress reliever. After that we were assigned times and I got to go I think fourth which was nice. Following the monologues, I was interviewed by the head of the program, a nice man named John. We talked for a long time and what was great about it was that he had really prepared for the interview - almost as much as I had, in fact! He knew my resume, my history, and all of my essays. He quoted me on several occasions during our conversation. It was just so amazing to be that respected and to really feel like I was truly being considered for the program.
I will find out next month whether or not I got in. The chances are very slim in terms of actual numbers. DePaul only takes 2 new graduate directors per year. So, you know, if I don't get in, it's because they only take two freakin' people. I'm ok with that. On the other hand, if by some fluke I do...well, I would be very very happy.


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