Mint Tea American Idol Shakespeare

Mint Tea - a open love letter:
You are who I turn to when I'm not feeling well. Be it stomach problems or a sore throat you are always there for me. Today my left tonsil is swollen like a jordan almond, so I am drinking the mint tea and wishing it will go down. I don't want to/can't get sick. Too busy!!
I've been practicing my monologue for my DePaul audition. It's so frustrating that as a director, I have to do an acting audition. Hello? That's why I'm not an ACTOR!! Oh, well - they asked for it! But I think my monologue will be fair to midland.
I could never do as bad as some of the auditions I saw last night on American Idol. We're talking earsplitting cringe!!! People think that they can sing but they so can't. It's so baffling. How can you not tell that you are tone deaf - bizarre.
Anyway, tonight there's no new episode of Lost which is so annoying because now we have an antenna and I could watch it but NOOOOOOO!! Oh, well, I need to read Shakespeare anyway.
All the world's a stage........
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