What Grad School Has Done to Me
Can you believe this, people? Now, because of grad school, I need reading glasses. Here's the story. A few weeks ago I noticed my eyes getting blurry as I was reading. I was losing depth perception and having to blink a bunch to get my eyes back on track. So I decided it was time to make an eye appointment and see what's up. Most readers won't know that I wore glasses or contacts from age 2-17. I had a lazy eye which caused me to have double vision (something I can carefully reproduce if very drunk). Anyway, I was very familiar with the optometrist from a very early age, however, I have not been to the eye doctor in about 10 years. The last time was to learn that I get ocular migraines. gah!
So I went a couple of days ago and had the works done to my eyes. Let me tell you, if my friend Damon had to do this, he would pass out. He hates anyone touching their eye or anything coming near his eyes. I thought about him when they stuck this bright blue light right up to my pupil and said, "Don't move." Ha.
Anyways, after being put through the ringer, she announced that I need reading glasses. Luckily I don't have to wear them all the time - only when I'm on the computer or reading - which is ALL THE TIME. (which is how i probably developed this little problem in the first place.)
So including that one gray hair, that's two points grad school, zero points me. I hope when I land a fabulous teaching job, it will all be worth it.
jeez, what's next granny? incontinence and a hearing aid?
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