Didn't It Rain
Periodic Rants of a Red-Haired Drama Freak.
Friday, September 30, 2005

so here i am back with my old friend, the price gun. on fridays at amoeba, me and this thing are like best buds. i have been working at this store for over five years, and have probably priced at least half a million cds-- and that's a low estimate. it's kind of a drag, but sometimes it's fun cuz you get to see all the new stuff that comes in before anyone else. here are some exciting new things that i just saw.
1. Idaho's new record - they are a good indie/lo-fi shoegazer band.
2.Barsuk record's sampler - it's a free thing with Death Cab and John Vanderslice tracks. he's kicking off his US tour today.
3.Explosions in the Sky - they are an insrumental band and have just reissued their first album, which is super good.
well, that's all for today, y'all. back to pricing poo poo.
Thursday, September 29, 2005

i just wanted to remind everyone that Pete Townsend rules and he is one of my favorite musicians ever. go listen to Quadrophenia and you'll see what i mean. he's a songwriting genius, too, and The Who pretty much couldn't have existed without him. If you were a member of the who, which one would you be?
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
i've been reluctant to post my thoughts on New Orleans because they're just too mixed up right now. all at once i am thinking these things:
1. we almost moved there
2. it's my favorite place in the world - anyone that knows me knows that
3. i'm utterly disgusted with our government and devestated by the fact that i can't really do anything about the george bush problem
4. i feel a perverse attraction to sensationalized news - in the way that i did after 9/11. i can't stop looking at horrible, depressing photos - even when lesley tells me not to
so, there we are. i hope things can get back to normal there sometime. i read a quote that there was "a total societal breakdown" after many officers turned in their badges and some of the shadier citizens took to the streets with looted guns.
we were supposed to go there for our honeymoon in march but i don't think that's happening. suggestions for other places?