Didn't It Rain

Periodic Rants of a Red-Haired Drama Freak.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

People, quit trying to give my candy, I'm on a diet!

Yes, I have fallen prey to every American girl's desire - to be skinny for their wedding. And while i have somehow lost some weight already without trying, it's time to lose more. when i look at those pictures in thirty years, i want to think i looked good!

i have won many battles this week with regards to said diet.
1. I went to a bar and ordered a damn diet coke - TORTURE!
2. One of my sales reps brought a ton of cookies to the office and I ate exactly NONE! (They have been here since Tuesday, mocking me, but I will prevail)
3. I have eaten exact NO breakfast breads - I had been living on muffins, banana bread, BAGELS, etc.
4. NO half & half in that coffee - only Soy Milk. sigh...

So, if you want to send me some encouraging words, or, I don't know, maybe an apple, please do so. I need the good vibes.


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